Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year, New Adventures

2008 seemed to fly by. I can't seem to remember all that happened. I will try to remember the the main points.

I started Blogging our life.
I graduated with my AS ofA.
We bought a yellow jeep. We blew two tires on our new jeep. We had to take our new jeep in to be fixed. We broke a front suspension on the new jeep. We lost a few plastic guards on the bottom of our new jeep. We got stuck and had to call a friend to get us out. We played hard and saw a lot of Carbon County we hadn't seen before.
One-Eyed Jack turned 12 and received the arronic priesthood. He has been passing the sacrament.
Mario Girl turned 7.
We went on a rafting trip in Green River Ut. Where Jenni, Ashton and I thought we were going to DIE!!!
I got called to teach the Conference talks in Relief Society. Scary
Mario Girl got a major tooth infection; story to continue into 2009.
I got a job at the High School. I love it; NO RECESS DUTY!!!!!!!
The Cap'n still working at the Hospital as a Nurse. He is really good at it.
We got Rock Band 2. It is much better than guitar hero!!!
TOG got married. It's about time!!!!

I think that those are the highlights of the year. We are hoping for another great year of fun.

Now for those pesky resolutions that I never seem to meet.

1. Stop yelling. Yes I am a yeller, but I hope to end it this year.
2. Listen better to The Cap'n. I interrupt a lot.
3. Read scriptures everyday.
4. Hold some kind of FHE. At least twice a month.
5. Attend the Temple 12 times.
6. Live my beliefs better. I have been slacking, and not living what I believe.
7. Do some kind of community service.
8. Forgive those I haven't.
9. Clean my house more. I am not a good housekeeper.
10. Finish two quilts, enter one in a show and sale it.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Good times, good times! We totally have to raft again this year!