Sunday, February 1, 2009

Shadow or not to Shadow!

Now that it is February I am going to update my blog. January was not the best month here on our little ship. Mario Girl had a tooth pulled, our beloved cat passed onto kitty heaven, and to end the month we lost one of our bunnies. Star has gone on to grassy fields were she can bounce and hop in happiness and freedom. So now we are down to 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 bunny.

With Groundhogs Day on the 2nd I am wondering whether I want him to see his shadow or not. I mean this is a big day(LOL). It will determine the future and our spring dreams.

I would love to have spring to be just around the corner, but on the other hand I would love the 6 weeks to get in shape for summer.


As long as we don't lose anymore loved ones animal or person we will survive either way; i guess.
Now for some random Christmas pix.

By the way the Provo Christmas party was apparently full of Demons, 'cuz everyone has red glowing eyes in all the pix the Cap'n took. The camera never lies.

A.C. protecting her chips

M.G. & Ariel walking Nova

Is Ariel picking her nose? Lol JK

J.C. checking out his new pink sweater.

And he is LOVING it!!!


Jenni said...

I learned the nose picking from Mario Girl. TG she grew out of that habit!

Sorry about your bunny :( Do you need Nova to come visit to help lift your spirits?

Jolly Roger Crew said...

I think we will be okay without Nova. Thanks

Anonymous said...

No pictures of me? I see how it is. Dispite all the loss, you will gain a neice of nephew this year. That is good.

Deb and Stan said...

It's hared to lose pet. You get so attached! Love you guys!