Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School has Begun!! DUN DUN DUN

The kids started school on the 26th. I went back to work on the 26th. Our look- out boy is in 7th grade and our galley princess is in 2nd grade. They seem to be liking school so far, but it HAS only been two days. I am enjoying my job at the high school. I was at an elementary last year so it is a huge jump, but I will enjoy it. I have included some pix and a video of Mario Girl riding her bike. She has given us such a hard time this summer with that bike. She refused to ride it. Now since school has started she has decided that she is old enough to be riding her bike to school. Why she has these imaginary rites of age/passage I will never know. I am glad that the bathroom rite is over though. Jack is going to be in band again this year, plus he wants to do swimming again. Yes. I know that I said the wrong name in the video. I can't remember EVERTHING:)

My sister's shower was fun and turned out great. Since I was busy being the hostess I don't have any pix. I will have to get them from someone before I can post any. The only thing that I would do different would be the apron game. I would play it differently. Other then that, it was a blast. I think that everyone had great fun, and a lot of laughs.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to School:(

This is the time of year that I like the least. I dislike the whole back to school shopping thing, and I really hate having to send my kids back to school. No more spending all day together doing whatever we want. I miss my kids during the school year. If I could home school I would be all over it. Enough boo hoo-ing.

Yesterday the kids and I went school shopping in Cheyenne. For those who don't know where that is it is 2 hours east of my little town. I am very exhausted today. The Cap'n is a much better shopper then I am. He actually enjoys it in large amounts!! The kids got some really cute clothes though. I loved the shoe shopping though. They are excited. They want to wear them today:)

A few days ago the Cap'n took the kids shopping in Laramie to get school supplies. They went in the jeep with the front top panels off. Well, this is the time of year when random storms form and dump heavy bursts of rain. Needless to say they got rained on as they were coming home. They loved it and have been talking about it ever since. O, the simple joys in life.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Old Mining Cabin

A few weeks ago we set sail to the mountains just for fun. We took an old beat up dirt road that we have wanted to go on for years. Now that we have our jeep we can go on all the roads that we want to go on. Here are some pix of what we found down this very beaten path. The lake is Savery Damn. It was made a few years ago. It looks small cuz we are far away from it.