Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Pirate & Monkey Christmas

We pirate monkeys celebrate the festive holiday o' Christmas the same time the rest o' the country does. On Dec 25th. & festive it was.

This year we put us up a real fake tree fur swinging from. No more be the tree of felt & staples. It not be good fur the swingin'. That be the monkey in us wantin' to come out & play.
It be rite dandy & as purty as a fake tree decorated with random decorations put on by an 8 yr old galley princess. So it be, so it be.

We got some snow& coldness that be freezin' our tushies, so we be usin' our stove to warm them nicely.
I made lasagna, cheesecake, and a creamy lime pie. We ate lasagna fur a week after. It was so yummilicous!!! Here be a list o' what the monkeys got:

Mario Girl
: A cloak made by meself, a galley pirate princess hat made by the white beard grandpa, an Obama camping doll set from grandma art, Twighlight the movie from the Capt'n, tights from grandma "I'm so old it's okay to be crazy", a sweater jacket from Grandma/pa Baggs, Night at the Museum #2 from One-Eyed-Jack, & a few other odds & ends.
One-Eyed-Jack: Halo ODST for the X box from the Capt'n hisself, Xbox controller & new batteries from us both, pants from me, a big fluffy stuffed animal (dog) for use as a pillow from Mario Girl, a monkey sling shot with Mad Libs(most awesome) from a cousin, some clothes from the Baggs grandparents & " kinda" crazy g-ma, & some little odds & ends.
The Capt'n: got a tripod for his camera, kilt socks, foot scraper & gel, slippers, Frigits, a safety belt? not sure what that means, & other stuff.
Me: I got a Bias tape maker, some music, a jewelry box, candy, a book, & other stuff
These are just some of the great treasures we got for Christmas.

We sailed over to the great town of Baggs to visit the King & Queen that dwell there. They feed us, so that we wouldn't have to plunder for our grub, & entertained us with some great card games.
Just today the Provo-itish dwellers left after a great adventure pillaging, & plundering our town for history(local Museum), food, & swimming.

As I type, my mother along with Tog & The Cowboy are headed in my direction. As long as they have their sails up they will have a good journey since the wind will blow them straight here. & we will get to see the newest monkey little Neg.
We will celebrate the New Year with food, friends, and dangerous duels (the game of spoons), but that be another story still to be lived.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

AArGGs- giving adventures

This year for Thanksgiving we went to Baggs to visit the Capt'n's mom & stepdad aka King Baggs. We lovingly call them grandma & grandpa Baggs. Ariel the water princess was there as well. She brought her dog Nova. Now I thought that just maybe Nova & Genevieve would get along, but Nova had other plans. She exploded into a territorial Super Nova. :(

Grandma Baggs or Queen Baggs I shall call her, invited some friends over to enjoy the day of gluttony. That was fun to get to know the art teacher of Baggs. The other family didn't stay long. They had little pirates that needed naps, so they went home.

King Baggs' mom was there in body giving us all reason to be thankful for our sanity & youth. Oh to be old & not quite there. Still love her.

Mario Girl made a thankful tree for the table. We all wrote what we were thankful for on the leaves that she made and hung from the otherwise dead branch she plucked from the lifeless bushes outside.

We overstuffed ourselves with turkey, jello salad, stuffing, rolls, and other good pirate monkey foods. We then commenced to the pie. YUMMY pie!!!!

My mom came down on Friday to visit us in our colder & windier state. Maybe she came up cause we are further north.

Saturday we set our sails to the east & went to Laramie. We shopped & got some great loot for the Christmas holiday so vastly approaching.

One-Eyed-Jack tried to make Mario Girl into a Mario Boy on the way to Laramie only to find that it's hard to draw on a face with only one eye. He claims to have done it on purpose to be funny. But we all know that one-eyed pirate monkeys aren't good at drawing two sides. ;)

Mario Girl showed some true pirate skills by spotting a penguin blow up chair on a shelf that proclaimed "All items Free". So she grabbed the bag & ran like the good pirate she is. Howling like a monkey all the way to the car.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Friday we set our sails & let the wind take us to adventures in Denver.
We found ourselves at the MilehiCon. A convention for gamers, and scifi lovers of all degrees.

The kids enjoyed activities in wizardry, anime, mask making, coloring, and role playing.
The Capt'n was in heaven as he met some wonderful & amazing people.
I found it to be great fun to look at the many costumes, mullets, & wonderful artwork & crafts on sale & for auction. I wanted to buy a few things, but found that the eccentric is very costly. :(

There were some great things caught on camera for us to remember & enjoy for years to come. I will share a few of these pix.

All in all we truly enjoyed ourselves & can't wait to go back next year. Dressed in character of course. Next year I will not suggest to Mario Girl that we sit & watch Buffy the musical!!!! & I will definitely NOT miss The Rocky Horror Picture Show!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Back to pirate school

The kids started school August 29th. I took some pix after school & then lost them when I tried to post them. I have found them!!

So here are the pictures of them:

Pic #1 Mario Girl with gauze in her mouth after having 2 bad teeth pulled.
The other pix are of Mario Girl & One-Eyed Jack in the outfits they wore to their first day of school.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

National Holiday for all Pirates

This 19th day o' september has been declared Talk like a pirate day.

This be the nation'l holiday for us pirates!!!

So what do pirates do on this special day you ask?

Well we scrubbed all the decks, & plundered the nearest port for grub. In the even'in we honored the most famous of pirates (Jonny Depp) by watching Pirates of the Caribbean.

For grub time we caught some beer battered fish shaped like triangles, plundered the vineyards for the freshest grapes; to keep away the scurvey(nasty stuff that is), raped a maiden of her cows milk, & used it to make puddin' with the aztec chocolate we pillaged from the new world natives.

We even captured us some dirty scalleywags & forced them to pay homage to the great pirate & we forced 'em to consume the deadliest of all poisons disguised as jello popcorn. Then we sent 'em with a fierce warning to all that dare cross our pirate path again!!

All in all I would have to arg this a very piratey day indeed. We did miss the Cap'n as he was called the the port o'work. We be optm'stic we be see'in 'im again soon. Treasure collect'in is a long & ard'us endev'or.

ARGG farewell all ya skallywags & beware them that tread this here windy port o'ours.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Long time no blog!!!

Okay so I know that it has been a little while since I last blogged our life as pirate monkeys, but with good reason. I AM LAZY!!!!!!

I started a new job working at the University extension office. I am a secretary there and I like it. I just spent the week at the county fair. I am very tired now.

We went to Disneyland the last week in June for the Capt'ns mom's birthday. That was a lot of fun. It was my first visit there and so I got a pin to wear. The birthday girl got a birthday pin. The kids got a pin for their first time also. Just a note to all: The Small World ride SUCKS big time DON"T go on it if you value your sanity!!!!!!! After that ride I am convinced that the world is not small it is long and obnoxiously loud!!!! I would have to say that the best part of the vacation was the beach. I LOVE the beach and I dream about it on a regular basis. In fact I just had a dream the other day that we moved to Brookings Oregon. It was a very good dream; then I woke up and was still here in Wyoming.

Mario Girl took an outdoor class and learned about bugs and weeds. She loved it. She even got to bring home bugs in a jar. We watched them try to crawl out of the holes in the top. She took very good care of them.

1-eyed-Jack went to scout camp where I am sure that he got in lots of trouble. He got back the day that I started working the fair so I haven't really had time to talk to him about it. Tomorrow he goes to Colorado on a river trip. He is very excited about that.

They both had swimming lessons. They are such good little swimmers.

And last but by far not least, our computer in the living room died a very sad and painful death. We have it spread out on the diningroom table for all to see. We are old fashion that way.
We moved the bedroom computer into the livingroom. It has none of this years pictures on it so I can not post them at this time. I think that they are backed up somewhere, but The Capt'n hasn't put them on this comp yet.
So once again I have sent out a blog with no pix. Maybe next time. BYE

Saturday, June 13, 2009

We pillaged so there!

I haven't posted in awhile. That is because the life of land pirate monkeys is a long and hard life. We must always be pillaging, & discovering new adventures.

Here is a list of all pillagings, & adventures. (in no particular order)

* found baby owls in the town park
* played at the sand dunes
* Mario Girl got baptized
* I started a new job
* pouted from all the rain
* went fishing (no fish)
* had a party for M. G.'s Birthday
* planted carrots
* built a fence
* cleaned the basement ( lots of crap taken to dump)
* pouted from all the rain
* played Rockband with extended family & friends
* cleaned up sewage from the basement
* augered the sewer pipe 'cuz it flooded our basement
* installed new water heater 'cuz old one died & poured water on the floor in the basement
* started to wonder if we were living in Oregon 'cuz of all the rain
* Grateful for all the rain 'cuz it means we don't have to water lawn and carrots
* saw an old B-17 bomber

It has been a busy month of pillaging & adventures.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Pix 'cuz pirates always keep thar word

Here some pix of the hot springs that we went to over spring break.

Hot springs entrance & the cabin we stayed in.

Fancy bathroom. Half drank refreshment free of charge.

inside the hot springs

Waiting for food outside in Steamboat.

Bluebird M.G. liked

The Cap'n reading scary stories to us, we are all afraid!!

Cap'n at the helm. Space gas is cheapest.

I hope that you enjoy the pix as much as we enjoyed the trip.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break

Monday we went to Steamboat Springs Colorado. We stayed in a cabin in the Strawberry Park hot springs. It was beautiful weather and a lot of fun just laying around being lazy. We came home on Wednesday. The only tragedy is that I lost my glasses, so now I am wearing my contacts again.

Oh ya & that I am not very smart 'cuz I got "sun"burned in a tanning bed. Next time I feel sick & freezing cold I will stay away from the tanning beds. They are too warm to leave. Momma says stupid is as stupid does.

OK I have been trying to post this since Thursday & the pix won't upload, so I give up. NO pix thanks to stupid computers!! Just imagine them I guess.

We also did a craft during the break, but alas NO pic. :(

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Mario Girl dyeing eggs. The Cap'n took pix this morning but I don't know where they are so I will have to add them later.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

One-Eyed-Jack is at it again

It's that time of year when Jack starts his swimming. Tuesday he had his first meet.
He also had a band concert that night. We were very busy.
I don't have a a whole lot to say today so I will just move on to the pix.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring has sprung

This is sung to the tune of "White Christmas"

I would finish writing the song, but I am too cold.

I'm living in a white springtime.
Just like the ones I've had before.
Where the tree tops shiver
and children quiver
to feel wind blow through their bones.
I'm spending all my nights huddled
wishing to crawl inside my stove.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Golden & Freaky Birthday!

Today our little One-Eyed-Jack turned 13. I can't believe he is officially a teen now. I never thought this day would come. It truly saddens me to think that he is getting soooo big.
He had a party today to celebrate his birthday on this very auspicious day.
They went on a scavenger hunt with 13 items that had something to do with good luck or bad luck. Superstitions.

I made him a black cat cake. It was frosted while they were on the hunt.

Then they played on the x-box. I think that they all had a lot of fun.

He got lots of money for our voyage to California this summer, a watch that he has been drooling over for the last several months, a remote control moth, an Airzooka, and some boardgames. Thanks to all who sent him gifts and cards. He loves them. He loves getting cards.

*Notice in the picture that my front door is open. It was warm today and sunny and NO wind. Yeah!!!

Other piratey news:

I have suffered from sinus infections off and on for many years now. Lately these infections have been more on than off. I have a chronic sinus infection and so have been put on antibiotics for 30 days. I also went and got a C.A.T scan of my sinuses to see what is going on with them. I should find out the results on Tuesday. I am hoping that the scan shows something and that whatever is wrong can be fixed. I will keep you posted.

Mario Girl's school is collecting box tops for a field trip to Denver in May. Please save and send all box tops that you can. They are going to the aquarium. It is a really cool place and they are all very excited to go.

That is all I have. Til next time.