Friday, March 13, 2009

Golden & Freaky Birthday!

Today our little One-Eyed-Jack turned 13. I can't believe he is officially a teen now. I never thought this day would come. It truly saddens me to think that he is getting soooo big.
He had a party today to celebrate his birthday on this very auspicious day.
They went on a scavenger hunt with 13 items that had something to do with good luck or bad luck. Superstitions.

I made him a black cat cake. It was frosted while they were on the hunt.

Then they played on the x-box. I think that they all had a lot of fun.

He got lots of money for our voyage to California this summer, a watch that he has been drooling over for the last several months, a remote control moth, an Airzooka, and some boardgames. Thanks to all who sent him gifts and cards. He loves them. He loves getting cards.

*Notice in the picture that my front door is open. It was warm today and sunny and NO wind. Yeah!!!

Other piratey news:

I have suffered from sinus infections off and on for many years now. Lately these infections have been more on than off. I have a chronic sinus infection and so have been put on antibiotics for 30 days. I also went and got a C.A.T scan of my sinuses to see what is going on with them. I should find out the results on Tuesday. I am hoping that the scan shows something and that whatever is wrong can be fixed. I will keep you posted.

Mario Girl's school is collecting box tops for a field trip to Denver in May. Please save and send all box tops that you can. They are going to the aquarium. It is a really cool place and they are all very excited to go.

That is all I have. Til next time.


Deb and Stan said...

Darling cake!

Jenni said...

When do you need the box tops by? I have some, but will wait until I have more to mail them, unless she needs them right away.

And I cannot believe the boy is 13!! But glad to hear his birthday was a success. Sounds like a fabulous party.

Jenni said...

oh and sorry about the sinus infections. They suck! And hopefully the antibiotics help and it will go away and never come back!!!

Anonymous said...

We looked at your cat cake. Good to see you found the powdered sugar. It is cute.