Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What does a cat & a galley princess have in common?

They both have bad teeth. Bad joke, bad pun, bad day for both.

Mario Girl got her bad tooth pulled out yesterday. We drove 2 hours to the dentist, spent 15 minutes in the office, and drove 2 hours home. Of course we did stop at Wal-Mart for 20 min. and got ice- cream at Cold Stone, and lunch at Subway. We still spent more time driving then anything else.
We do have dentists here in town but they are nowhere as good as this one. He is very kind and accommodating, the dentists here are not accommodating. She is well and promising better dental care. That is her new years resolution to be broken.

Now for the cat. Gocku our wonderful tabby cat of 11 years had to have both canine teeth on the right side pulled today.
We noticed something was wrong when we got back from Utah, but just thought that it was his asthma acting up. He
wasn't eating and had lost a lot of weight while we were gone. I started him on Prednisone in hopes that he would get better. After a week he still wasn't eating much and looked really sick, and lethargic. I decided to look him over for wounds, cuz he likes to fight with cats outside a lot. I noticed that one of his teeth was missing. Actually it was broken off.
I called the vet yesterday and took him in on my way out of town. He was so dehydrated and anemic that she couldn't put him under. She tried to put him on an i.v. but he was too dehydrated e
ven for that. She had to put fluids in him by giving him shots just under the skin and letting his body absorb it.
Today he was doing well enough to be put under. Both of his canines were decayed so she pulled them both. I wonder if they have dentures for cats (hahaha).
He is home and hiding under the computer, cuz he is over drugged, and sad.



Jenni said...

Sorry the kitty is sickly! And I am glad the girl got her teeth pulled, maybe this experience will make her more excited about brushing her teeth.

Deb and Stan said...

Hey, Mario Girl, that picture shows just how BEAUTIFUL your eyes are! Okay, the cat is kinda cute, too!

I'm sad about all the tooth trouble, though. OWIE! Get better soon!

Love you guys!