Saturday, February 28, 2009


Here is my theme song for this blog of hate and frustration!!!

Okay so I know I have over blogged this short month, and this could have waited for tomorrow when it is March, but I NEED to vent, to put it nicely!!!! I will keep it short

I HATE HATE HATE over protective, over bearing, controlling mothers that think I am a bad parent!!!!!!!! I may not ever get mother of the year, but I am a darn good parent. I think that I do a very good job raising my kids and that I am good to them.

So this goes out to ALL the over bearing, over protective, control freaks out there that think I am raising my wonderful, smart, kind, and independent thinking children the wrong way:


This all comes because once again someone I know that literally doesn't let her child out of her site except to go to school, thinks that I am not a good parent, therefore her child can't play with mine. This child can't cross the street or go next door to play with a friend . She is only allowed to be at home, and school. If you're whole experience of life is only what you see and hear from your front yard, then DON'T judge those that live beyond your restrictive boundary!!!!!!!
Now that I got that out I feel much better.
Have a great day!! Remember that you ARE a good parent no matter what anyone else thinks!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I have been looking at turtles & tortoises on a Colorado adoption sight. I would like to adopt one some time in my life. There have been a few additions to the group and I have found that I am related to a few of them.
Trish & Larry

Joshua & Brian

Bob (short for Robert)

And the last Cuz I can; a picture I found in this months pix folder. Imagine eyes on it and it becomes a toilet paper eating snow monster. Otherwise it is an outhouse filled with snow and it is toilet paper strung into the toilet.

Okay bye now.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Family Members

This weekend we got 2 new family members!
One was because my brother J.C. got married. I don't have any pix yet but it was a nice wedding. I wore my silly blue dress, and walked down the isle pretending I looked good. The bride was beautiful. The groom was handsome. The ring boy was cute as a button. And the flower girls were adorable. Congrats to the couple.

The second family member is a cat we adopted at the SLC Humane Society. He is a big brown tabby. He is 1 1/2 yrs. old, a stray, but is very calm and easy going. Although he has claws we are happy to have a new member in our house. We miss having a calm and friendly cat around. Meow is high strung.
He looks like Gocku cuz the Cap'n likes that type of cat. I bought it for him as a gift. He is sitting on the Cap'ns lap right now while he watches Madagascar 2 with the kids. It's very cute. He is already a huge cat. He is going to be ginormous!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday The 13th!!!!!!

Being Friday the 13th I thought that I would throw a blog out there at ya all.

I really have nothing more to say about the day. I just want to post on a "spooky" day. I did almost buy a black cat today, but decided against it since the Cap'n wasn't there to help decide.

Here are my random thoughts that I am going to rant about:

Weddings: I am beginning to really hate them. I have one to go to for one of my brothers on the 20th. It wouldn't be so bad except that I can't just show up to it. I have to make a dress (UGH). I have had the most difficult time with making the dress. I am about ready to give up and show up in dark blue scrub bottoms and a t-shirt.

Oh the things I do for the ones I love. Two marriages in 5 months is a lot. First large amounts of aprons, now a dress that will look like who knows what when it's done.
Ariel DON"T get married this year please. If you do please just let me be an observer not a participant. I just want to watch for once. That or buy me my dress.

My next rant isn't a rant, but an awe inspiring observation with pix. Eagles:
As we have traveled this month and last month we have noticed that the eagles are in great abundance. It is awesome!! One day I think that we saw at least 10 of them; bald and golden. Today on my way to Casper for new material for the dress disaster, I saw 2 eagles. They may be scavengers, but they are beautiful ones. So here are the pix of the national scavenger. Plus a pix of a golden eagle.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Shadow or not to Shadow!

Now that it is February I am going to update my blog. January was not the best month here on our little ship. Mario Girl had a tooth pulled, our beloved cat passed onto kitty heaven, and to end the month we lost one of our bunnies. Star has gone on to grassy fields were she can bounce and hop in happiness and freedom. So now we are down to 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 bunny.

With Groundhogs Day on the 2nd I am wondering whether I want him to see his shadow or not. I mean this is a big day(LOL). It will determine the future and our spring dreams.

I would love to have spring to be just around the corner, but on the other hand I would love the 6 weeks to get in shape for summer.


As long as we don't lose anymore loved ones animal or person we will survive either way; i guess.
Now for some random Christmas pix.

By the way the Provo Christmas party was apparently full of Demons, 'cuz everyone has red glowing eyes in all the pix the Cap'n took. The camera never lies.

A.C. protecting her chips

M.G. & Ariel walking Nova

Is Ariel picking her nose? Lol JK

J.C. checking out his new pink sweater.

And he is LOVING it!!!