Saturday, February 28, 2009


Here is my theme song for this blog of hate and frustration!!!

Okay so I know I have over blogged this short month, and this could have waited for tomorrow when it is March, but I NEED to vent, to put it nicely!!!! I will keep it short

I HATE HATE HATE over protective, over bearing, controlling mothers that think I am a bad parent!!!!!!!! I may not ever get mother of the year, but I am a darn good parent. I think that I do a very good job raising my kids and that I am good to them.

So this goes out to ALL the over bearing, over protective, control freaks out there that think I am raising my wonderful, smart, kind, and independent thinking children the wrong way:


This all comes because once again someone I know that literally doesn't let her child out of her site except to go to school, thinks that I am not a good parent, therefore her child can't play with mine. This child can't cross the street or go next door to play with a friend . She is only allowed to be at home, and school. If you're whole experience of life is only what you see and hear from your front yard, then DON'T judge those that live beyond your restrictive boundary!!!!!!!
Now that I got that out I feel much better.
Have a great day!! Remember that you ARE a good parent no matter what anyone else thinks!


Deb and Stan said...

WHAT?????? YOU, a bad parent? Yours are the nicest, most polite, sweetest kids I've seen! I've seen a lot of bad parents, and baby, you ain't one of 'em!

Give me this woman's phone number!!

macarace said...

Grampy and Granma say you have great children, we love to take them with us, they are sweet, loving and kind. You are both doing something right!! If your neighbor won't let her kids cross the street it is their loss.

Meadow said...

Parenting is hard and it sucks to be judged by jerks.

Also, I love Weezer. And a note from the kid:

hazel lovvvves zoe

Jolly Roger Crew said...

I know Weezer is awesome. I loved the concert. Next time I am taking the golden boy of March. He would have loved it too.
I think that the worst part about living in a small town is that people tend to be more judgmental of each other. I guess they have nothing better to do.

Jenni said...

Um if your kids weren't so smart and nice then I would think you are a bad parent, but they are both super smart and super sweet. So I guess you are a SUPER parent! (but not the Capt'n) (BAH HA HA HA just kidding)
What does the boy want for his bday? Cash? Because that is easy to mail.

Anonymous said...

This lady is obviously CRAZY! Just because she is overly protective with her children and never lets them out of the "cage" doesn't give her the right to say that anyone is a bad parent. One day her kids are going to be bitter.

Jolly Roger Crew said...

The boy wants what all 13 year olds want. And I don't know what that is and neither does he. We got him what he wants so just send cash for the disneyland trip.