Friday, July 11, 2008

Pirate Hair

I am so bored with my hair! So I went to a beautician to have it changed into something not so drab and not so long. I tried to dye it orange and purple, but apparently people here aren't in the habit of choosing odd hair color. I did still dyed it, but it is not exactly what I wanted, but it is still ok. I also chopped off a huge chunck of hair. It is nice and cool now. And it feels thicker now that it is short. I chose not to show my face cuz I look old and saggy. Dang getting old!!! Maybe I should try skin abrasion or what ever it is... LOL JK! I am not that vain; yet.

Our guard ship dog has worn the pads on her front paws and can't walk:(. We are so sad for her. We had to buy her shoes so she can go play.
I have included pix from our spring Denver trip from a couple of years ago, cuz they are cute and they are new pix to all you. and sometimes it is fun to reminisce about the past. We have got to do it again with more people. It was a blast. Next time we will go to the Mint.

1 comment:

Deb and Stan said...

You're so cute! When you said orange and purple, I thought you meant "ORANGE" and "PURPLE"! I love the new color!