Saturday, July 26, 2008


This is a short post about wood. The forest people have been busy cutting down dead trees, thanks to the notorious pine beetle. Since there is a very large abundance of dead trees they have decided to give it away free. We took this opportunity and ran with it. We went and got our free permits and have been hauling wood all week. The kids are gone to camp and Utah so we have used it to our advantage. Instead of sitting around sulking that our kids are gone. They are our main source of entertainment.
Now we are very sore all over our bodies. But we have tons of wood!!! We have more wood then we have room to store it. So we have a year supply of wood storage. Plus enough to burn this winter.
Yeah wood!!
Now it is time for my kids to come home. I miss them!!!!!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Well, we are keeping Zoe forever!! MWA HA HA HA HA HA!!

just kidding, she is coming home tomorrow, but I have enjoyed getting to play with her.