Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's all fun & games 'til a cheek swells up

Well we made it through Christmas without too much damage.

We went to Utah and spent some time with Mine and the Cap'ns family. We had a lot of fun seeing everyone.

On the 26th the Cap'n and I went to SLC to celebrate our anniversary. We stayed at the Anniversary Inn. It is a really cool place to stay. The rooms are all themed. We stayed in the Jungle Safari room. We roamed SLC without any family to visit. Not that we don't like family but it was nice to have no obligations.

Saturday morning my mom called to tell us that Mario Girls mouth was swollen. She called her dentist and got an antibiotic. Sunday when our time alone was over we went to my moms and swollen cheeck was an understatement. She looked like she had a water balloon inflated in her left cheek. We called out dentist and arranged an emercency visit that night. So we got in the car and drove to Rock Springs. We meet the dentist at 8pm. He drilled a hole in her tooth so that the puss and gasses could drain. One of her baby molers had completely died and was rotting!!! Now we have to take her back next wk to have the tooth pulled.

After we left the dentist the Cap'n realized that he lost his cell phone. We back tracked to the dentist; not there. So we drove all the way back to Lyman to the rest stop to see if he had dropped it there; nope. We checked Taco Bell to see if he dropped it there; nope. Long story, he lost his cell phone!!!!

We got home at 1am. We used all of yesterday to recover. We are sad about the phone situation, and the tooth thing. But we will live.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Piratey Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of our friends, family, and matey pirates!!!!!

The Moustache Pirates

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Aliens for Christmas

Our cute little Mario Girl did a wonderful job singing at her school's Christmas program on the 2nd. She played a student while some of her friends played aliens invading the "school". Grandma Baggs (she hates this nickname but what can I do? LOL It was not me that gave it to her) was in attendance. The Cap'n took some great pix of our Galley Princess doing what she does best;look cute and curtsy. Our Look Out Boy performed on the 9th. We have pix of him too. They played a really cool piece called cantastick. It was performed on chairs. It was awesome.

Pix will have to come later. The Cap'n hasn't put the pix in a folder I can access. I have asked but I guess he just hasn't gotten around to it.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yeah One-Eyed Jack

We are so pleased with our cute, I mean handsome look out boy. He is getting learnt so good at school. He was in the paper for having a 3.2 gpa for the first quarter of school.

Here is a pix of what handsome & smart look like. OOOHHHH!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Slacker? Duh I'm a Pirate!

Okay so I have slackened in my blogging.

We have done much since I last blogged.

We had Halloween. That was fun. The kids dressed up as themselves. LOL! We had the Corpse Bride, and a Zombie. We ate boogers on a stick, runny nose burritos, and day old bath water to drink. It was all very yummy. The kids liked the bath water the best. We went to the hospital so the Cap'n could show them off. The soldier is a friend of the zombie.

The candy that we gave was just as good: rubber chickens, road kill, and pirates. Oh ya and Mary Jane's. I love those!!!

I like how I my mouth is open too.

We went to SLC and got my armoire from the Wildes. They have only had it for like 10 years so I figured we should get it so they don't have to move it to their new house. It looks very cute in my room. Mario girl loves to turn circles in front of it. She can now she her whole outfit.

I am sure that there is more, but I can't think of anything right now so I will call it good for now.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Corn Maze Adventure

To my sadness Google maps is not always right.

I found this out on the 18th when we went to Colorado in search of the awesome corn maze I found on-line. I looked up the maze, got the directions on Google maps, and headed east. As we got to Erie Colorado we commenced in turning down streets only to find ourselves in the middle of a subdivision. NO corn maze!!!!! I had the wrong directions. I had put my trust in the arms of a computer and was lead in the wrong direction. SO SAD!!!

Lucky for us we had passed a smaller corn maze on our way to our lost-ness. We turned around and went to that maze. It cost more and was not as big, but the kids had fun making their way through the maze. There was a small petting zoo, a straw bale maze, and pig races.

Here are some pix: Okay after several days of trying to upload pictures I GIVE UP!!!! Blogger won't upload them, so pix will have to wait. Just imagine them.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tag I'm it.

Ok, this is the fourth pictures in the fourth folder in my pictures. It is a picture Cap'n took at my graduation. We all had to walk outside on a sidewalk leading to the gym. All the teaching staff of WWCC was lined up on the sides giving congradulations and clapping as we walked past. I am not in this picture. I guess he couldn't find me. I don't know, but the idea is there and the memory preserved.

I tag Candice, Aunt Deb, Keri, and ToG
Fun Tag 1. Go to your pictures 2. Upload 4th picture of 4th folder 3. Post. 4. Tag 4 of your friends.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Do Pirates get Cavaties?

These pirates DON"T!!! The cap'n and I went to the Dentist yesterday and we have excellent teeth. We are so happy. That is all the news I have right now.

Except we are going to go to a corn maize farm on Saturday in Colorado. That is, if we are all well.I will post about it with pix and all.

Yeah, NO CAVATIES!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Last night Cap'n Mo, Ariel*(my water loving engineer sis-in-law) and I went to Weezer in SLC. It was awesome!!! The hootin' nanni at the end was funny. About thirty local instrument players got up on stage with Weezer and performed 2 songs.

I truely regret not taking my camera and MP3 player. I must get me a small purse/bag to put all essential concert items in so I don't have to lug around my huge purse. That is why I forget to take the important stuff. I always leave my purse at "home".

I was shocked and pleasantly pleased at the lack of foul language at the concert. Weezer is not a foul mouthed band, but I thought that they might be when talking to the crowd. They said heck. It was not at all disparaging to this audience member. There were a lot of families there. So apparently it is a good family night show.

Angels and Airwaves was one of the cover bands. Let me tell you, Tim the lead singer is very flamboyant on stage. I have never seem anyone move around the stage the way he did. It was mesmerizing. Either he was trying to be an angel or he was high. He still has a good voice though and lots of money so he can move however he wants.

My only thing I didn't like about the show was that the e-center is a huge venue. I really prefer the small venues. We went to Ministry and NOFX at In the Venue and it was awesome. The smaller venues seem cozier and as the Cap'n says Hoodlumy.

Next time we will have to take our cute One-Eyed-Jack. He would have loved it. It was also not a roudy crowd so I wouldn't have had to worry about him getting stuck in a mosh pit!!

*name has been changed for safety reasons.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Argh like a pirate, matey

Argh me mateys! I know that this blog is late, but I was busy pillaging, looting and all that. And that was only the morning of National Talk Like a Pirate Day. That night we watched all the Pirates of the Caribbean, ate fish and "Chips". We put lemon juice on the fish to keep the scurvy at bay. We also ate ice-cream. It was a jolly time with the scalleywags.
I did teach the student I work with to say Argh, so we did enjoy argh-ing at school.
I think that the Cap'n had too much of the pirateing 'cuz he got the stomach flu and has been throwing up again. I think that fun and travel makes him sick LOL.
Yo Ho Ho it's a pirates life for me!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Copper Mine. Dirt Yours

A few weeks ago we went on a tour of an old copper mine and the now ghost town of Dillon.
I made the slideshow to see how to make it work without having to go on line to Photobucket.
Thanks Cap'n.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wedding Daze

My sister TOG is officially married and hooked for life and beyond. Poor soul. LOL.

Friday night we hopped into our silver sailing vessel and headed in a Westerly direction. The weather was on our side as we traveled the waves of tar and sage. we forgot to bring CD's on this voyage and our radio channels are very limited and at times non existent, so we were delighted and uplifted by the sweet musical talent of Mario Girl. She is more then just a galley princess. She is a very multi-talented wonder of joy. She loves to make up songs. The song that she sang for us was a jolly rendition of "Llamas making chocolatey". Not only is that the name of the song, that is all the words in the song. although chocolatey is repeated over and over again. This was a delight on the way to utah and on the way home.

Saturday we went to SLC Temple for the binding of two poor souls who are too nieve to know better. The temple ceremony was beautiful. There were more people getting married on 9-13 then there are in June or December. It was crazy crowded. You'd think it was the last and only chance there was to get married in the temple.

The most disturbing thing about the whole thing was that we found out that the malls were torn down. NO one told us this. We were beyond ourselves. After the ceremony we drove around looking for any mall that we could roam. We did find one to the Cap'ns relief.

Later we drove to Tooele for the reception. We had pictures taken, we ate food (thanks mom), and visited with people we haven't seen in awhile and won't see again until another wedding or a death. See you all then!! I took pictures but they didn't all turn out well. I was in a hurry as the Cap'n was sick and throwing up and other fun things that come with stomach sickness.

We drove home on Sunday. The Llama song was once again wonderful. I wish that I could record it and play it for you all. It is truely a song of wonder and joy. I love it. maybe I will video it since you do need to see the hand motions that go with it.

We think that the best part of the trip was our stop at Little America where we saw a real to life Hot Wheels car. I will attach a picture of that it was awesome. I will also put a pic of Tog and her cowboy hubby. They are now on their honeymoon in Yellowstone. OOOOOO.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School has Begun!! DUN DUN DUN

The kids started school on the 26th. I went back to work on the 26th. Our look- out boy is in 7th grade and our galley princess is in 2nd grade. They seem to be liking school so far, but it HAS only been two days. I am enjoying my job at the high school. I was at an elementary last year so it is a huge jump, but I will enjoy it. I have included some pix and a video of Mario Girl riding her bike. She has given us such a hard time this summer with that bike. She refused to ride it. Now since school has started she has decided that she is old enough to be riding her bike to school. Why she has these imaginary rites of age/passage I will never know. I am glad that the bathroom rite is over though. Jack is going to be in band again this year, plus he wants to do swimming again. Yes. I know that I said the wrong name in the video. I can't remember EVERTHING:)

My sister's shower was fun and turned out great. Since I was busy being the hostess I don't have any pix. I will have to get them from someone before I can post any. The only thing that I would do different would be the apron game. I would play it differently. Other then that, it was a blast. I think that everyone had great fun, and a lot of laughs.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to School:(

This is the time of year that I like the least. I dislike the whole back to school shopping thing, and I really hate having to send my kids back to school. No more spending all day together doing whatever we want. I miss my kids during the school year. If I could home school I would be all over it. Enough boo hoo-ing.

Yesterday the kids and I went school shopping in Cheyenne. For those who don't know where that is it is 2 hours east of my little town. I am very exhausted today. The Cap'n is a much better shopper then I am. He actually enjoys it in large amounts!! The kids got some really cute clothes though. I loved the shoe shopping though. They are excited. They want to wear them today:)

A few days ago the Cap'n took the kids shopping in Laramie to get school supplies. They went in the jeep with the front top panels off. Well, this is the time of year when random storms form and dump heavy bursts of rain. Needless to say they got rained on as they were coming home. They loved it and have been talking about it ever since. O, the simple joys in life.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Old Mining Cabin

A few weeks ago we set sail to the mountains just for fun. We took an old beat up dirt road that we have wanted to go on for years. Now that we have our jeep we can go on all the roads that we want to go on. Here are some pix of what we found down this very beaten path. The lake is Savery Damn. It was made a few years ago. It looks small cuz we are far away from it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

why can't summer be the longest season?

So here we are the last week of July!! JULY!! For those that don't live in Wyoming it means that summer is almost over. We don't have indian summers! We have summer, winter, and a few weeks of inbetweens. Winter is like 9 months out of the year. I just want to cry. I am still tramatized by last years winter which was the worst we have had since we moved here. There is still snow in the mountains. Some people can't get to thier million dollar cabins cause of the snow. Now that is truely sad don't you think?.
TOG is still getting married. I have planned a shower for her and am very excited. I think that I actually have some good ideas for it. I am not the most creative person, so I stole them from the internet. It is Aug 16th I will have to have someone take pix so that I can post them.
Horray for Arial the mermaid queen for running a race in SLC. That is awesome!
Sadie we are all praying for you here and hope that you get well. You will make it. Just do what the doctor says. You are a strong and wonderful girl and very brave to give yourself your own shots. YOu amaze me.
To end on a good note. The crew is whole again! Yeah everyone has returned back home and things are back to normal. Mario Girl had tons of fun in Utah. ONe-eyed Jack had a blast at camp. He burned his nose and got a blister so he is now on his way to skin cancer. He got three badges; wood carving, swimming, canoeing. Those are great skills for a young pirate monkey to know.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


This is a short post about wood. The forest people have been busy cutting down dead trees, thanks to the notorious pine beetle. Since there is a very large abundance of dead trees they have decided to give it away free. We took this opportunity and ran with it. We went and got our free permits and have been hauling wood all week. The kids are gone to camp and Utah so we have used it to our advantage. Instead of sitting around sulking that our kids are gone. They are our main source of entertainment.
Now we are very sore all over our bodies. But we have tons of wood!!! We have more wood then we have room to store it. So we have a year supply of wood storage. Plus enough to burn this winter.
Yeah wood!!
Now it is time for my kids to come home. I miss them!!!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Animals By: MarioGirl

Here is the slideshow that MarioGirl made. She took the pictures too. She is very excited to show it to everyone.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Y Here?

The longer we live here in Wyoming the more I wonder; why? Why do we live here? What is there in Wyoming. So, since we are not going to be moving for several more years I have decided I need to come up with a list of reasons why Wyoming is a good place to live or be. Now that it is summer the list will be easy, but if I wait until winter to start the list then I won't do it. I am starting a list on the side bar so that I can add things as I think of them.
The slideshow I promised to post is slow in coming. Sorry I just am not getting it on the element page like I want. Plus I have to help Zoe with her's first. I may end up just putting it as a post.
With my sister getting married the Cap'n and I have once again thought about our wedding(elopement). We have heard over the years the concern that we may not actually be married. I went to the Carson county web-site and looked to see if we were listed in the marriage records. This is what I found:
Search NameSpouse NameMarriage DateCertificate NumberInstrument Number
Cap'n Mo Grilababe 01/03/1995 C594966 199501040091603

Those that have been in doubt, doubt no more! To bad though we kind of thought it was fun to pretend that we could be living in sin. I guess legal marriage is good too. It really did have our names on it. I changed them 'cuz Cap'n doesn't like having our real names on the blog. He is slightly paranoid.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Pirate Hair

I am so bored with my hair! So I went to a beautician to have it changed into something not so drab and not so long. I tried to dye it orange and purple, but apparently people here aren't in the habit of choosing odd hair color. I did still dyed it, but it is not exactly what I wanted, but it is still ok. I also chopped off a huge chunck of hair. It is nice and cool now. And it feels thicker now that it is short. I chose not to show my face cuz I look old and saggy. Dang getting old!!! Maybe I should try skin abrasion or what ever it is... LOL JK! I am not that vain; yet.

Our guard ship dog has worn the pads on her front paws and can't walk:(. We are so sad for her. We had to buy her shoes so she can go play.
I have included pix from our spring Denver trip from a couple of years ago, cuz they are cute and they are new pix to all you. and sometimes it is fun to reminisce about the past. We have got to do it again with more people. It was a blast. Next time we will go to the Mint.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sparklers & Treasure!

Okay I am convinced! I will save the money and use it to put gas in my car. thanks for all the advice. Jenni(Arial) I will be expecting your help now that you have offered!

Now for the reason that you all read my blog . Kid pix of course!! Apparently ALL fireworks are prohibited in our county. It's just like prohibition times. Everyone does them anyway. Even sparklers are banned. Crazy if you ask me. We went to the backyard and did our illegal lighting of our sparklers. Although, I didn't learn that they are illegal until the next day. Here are the pix. The kids were so excited they refused to hold still so all the pix are blurry, but you still get the idea.

I have to brag about Cap'n Mo he is becoming quite the treasure hunter. He recently found a ring in a parking lot. It is a garnet(January birthstone) with 2 tiny diamonds on opposing sides. I took it in and had it cleaned and looked at by a jeweler. It is worth $200 - $300. WOW! What a find. He now looks on the ground all the time, 'cuz you never know what you will find down there. Sorry the pic is blurry but I just couldn't get focused.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I am so excited to be able to announce that MY sister is getting Married! You heard me right she is getting married. I am actually speechless. All I can say is YEAHHHH!! and maybe argg.
Here is a picture of her and her fiance.

His last name is Gregory. So my sister will be T.E.G. She was hoping to someday be a T.E.N, but love doesn't always follow the path you hope for. Since I have named her "That One" for blog purposes, and cuz that's what Mario Girl called her when she came home from her mission. She will soon be called That One Gregory or T.O.G. At least on my blog she will be called Tog.
So since I eloped (which I still think was way easier then planning a wedding) I am excited to help her plan hers. She thinks that I am going to be planning the whole thing, but really I find it too overwhelming, hence the reason I eloped. I will be needing to plan a bridal shower so I could really use some ideas from those of you that chose the non eloping route to marriage, or those who have had to plan bridal things before.
Maybe I should plan her wedding. It could be circus themed. We have cotton candy and a tight rope already. How hard would it be really to get an elephant or two and a lion tamer? Circus tents are nice a big, it would hold everyone and then some. The primary colors are always a great choice in wedding colors. Maybe even some monkeys would be fun. We could have poo throwing contests. Or maybe a pirate theme. Pirates and monkeys. They both like cotton candy and walking tight ropes so it could work either theme.
Maybe I will just leave the details up to her.
Now for my dilemma. I really want to have a cool blog layout that is unique to my theme. I am not too sure how to create my own. I have looked and everything I have found is still pretty generic and I can't seem to make it work on my blog page. I did find a lady that makes blog layouts and she can make me a layout unique to my own for only $80. So do I pay her to use her creativity and know-how, or do I keep searching the web for ways to make my own? I really don't know what it takes to make one so I need advise on this. You can vote(top right) or comment or both.
And last but in no way least Mario Girl has been taking pictures of all the animals that we have and of us as well. She is wanting to make a slideshow post of them so be watching for it. It will astound and amaze you I am sure. She is also making me scrapbook with her this summer as well. Where did she come from?
Well now that I am feeling better I have no real excuse('cept pure laziness) for having a messy house so I better go clean it. Yeah T.O.G!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So Summer is finally here!!!! YEAH!!!! It has been long in waiting. So to celebrate this most favored solstice of the year we hopped into our Jolly Roger, set our sails and went to Saratoga to play in the lake we also tried to get into the hot pool, but it was way too hot. We also on a separate day went south of town for fun. We went on a dirt road that we have never before explored. It was a very pretty area. So for those of you that have no idea what our area of the world looks like you will now get a small peak at what we see here. I was going to say civilization but that would be silly since there really is none here. LOL!!! Just when I can't stand this place another day summer hits and the beauty around us magically appears. I love the summers here they are the best. Okay so the slide show thing isn't working. I need help!!! I have spent all day tring to make it happen and I can't figure it out.
As for an update on our goings on:
Mario Girl's Bunny Oreo has mites and has scratched off a lot of fur. So we took her(Oreo) to the vet and got her mites taken care of. I wish I could take my kids to the vet it is sooooo much cheaper. Plus M.G.'s hair is amazing! Check it out!

One-Eyed-Jack is the same nothing sad or exciting has happened. That is good cuz we don't need too much excitement at one time. He can wait his turn.
Cap'n Mo has been working A LOT!!!! It makes for nice checks but we miss him tons!!!
As for me I am recovering from a major cold or bronchitis that I got the day after our great rafting adventure. I think that is because Cap'n kept pushing me into the cold river water. I am also recovering from the shock of having to clean up sewage from my basement. This has been the longest week ever!
My dog Genevieve had a strange episode last night that scared all of us to death. It appears that she may have had a seizure. We take her to the vet on Friday. We just don't seem to have luck with our animals. We have one cat that has asthma and goes into anaphilactic shock on occasion, another cat that has a bladder problem so she has to be on steroids so she doesn't pee on everything. She also lives outside, cuz of her sad bladder. We once had a ferret with cancer. He died.
Anyway check out the videos and slide show.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Beer & brown lawn?

Cap'n Mo read that if you put beer on the brown spots on the lawn where the dog pees then it neutralizes the acid in the pee and so the grass will grow green again. So Monday when we got back from rafting we went and bought the cheapest beer we could find. Being pirates tho we should have used RUM. Cap'n Mo poured all the beer on the lawn. Hopefully it will work. Otherwise all we have is a very drunk & stinky lawn. Here are some pix

Here is a pic of a strip out by the road that I am tring to improve. It was just full of weeds and wild flowers when Mo threw seeds out there. It really looked sloppy. Now it has very sad plants that I transplanted from other parts of my yard. Hopefully they will recover.

And last of all here is a pic I found of Sadie and Mario Girl when they were about 3 years old. It is funny to see the contrast in them.

P.S. Thanks for the advise on the Mane and Tail shampoo for Mario Girl's hair. I bought some this week and it is already helping. Her hair looks shinier and thicker. She is also neighing a lot should I worry? LOL